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» Este artículo corresponde a la Edición del jueves, 14/feb/2013 de La Auténtica Defensa.

Habibollah Latifi y otros prisioneros de conciencia en Irán
Por Nestor Daniel Villa

Habibollah Latifi.

En el volumen "Amigos de Santa Brìgida de Suecia XV aniversario", 2012-pg.214-216, equivocadamente se incluye a los prisioneros de conciencia en el Iràn al estudiante Habibollah Latifi, como miembro de la religión Bahaì. La confusiòn se basa en que su detenciòn es conjunta a las de siete dirigentes Baha´i, fuera de la ley en Iràn. Preferimos incluir la fuente esclarecedora, provista por la Asamblea Espiritual en Argentina:

"Written by the organizers of U4I - London:As part of the Global Day for Prisoners of Conscience Awareness, United4Iran London has the honour of adopting the seven Baha´i leaders, also known as the seven "yarans."

The seven Baha´i leaders have been imprisoned in Evin since May 2008. Before their imprisonments, Mrs. Fariba Kamalabadi, Mr. Jamaloddin Khanjani, Mr. Afif Naemi, Mr. Saeid Rezaie, Mrs. Mahvash Sabet, Mr. Behrouz Tavakkoli and Mr. Vahid Tizfahm attended to the spiritual and social needs of Iran´s Baha´i community, which numbers more than 300,000.Their charges include espionage and spreading corruption on earth that carry the maximum sentence of death. The Iranian authorities have not produced a single piece of evidence in support of these false charges. Their next trial is scheduled for 12th June and there are grave concerns about the outcome of this trial. These seven have been unjustly jailed for their religion. Their only crime is being Baha´i!

As part of the prisoners of conscience awareness campaign, United4Iran London organized a mobile billboard with the pictures of the Kurdish Rights Activist, Habibollah Latifi, and seven Baha´i leaders on Thursday 10th June, in order to bring to the attention of the Londoners the plight of these innocent people. This is part of a much wider campaign for their release and with the help of the British public, we will send 1,000 postcards to the Islamic Republic of Iran´s Embassy and email David Cameron, the British Prime Minister seeking his support for their release.


En mayo de 2011 United4Iran reportò " that according to several sources Latifi was suffering "from various illnesses, including an intestinal infection, heart problems, and kidney failure." Por su parte, la hermana de Latifi dijo"I ask all Human Rights organizations and anyone who is able to help to come forward. But I still think what needs to be done has to be from inside the country."

Ni unos ni otros son terroristas, sino simples ciudadanos que reclaman las libertades bàsicas de un estado moderno civilizado, los Bahaì el derecho a su identidad religiosa, el estudiante a su identidad nacional y cultural. Desconocemos si la sentencia de muerte contra Latifi fuè llevada a cabo el 26 de diciembre de 2010, fecha a la que habìa sido diferida, y a su vez nuevamente suspendida, o en otra fecha, pero de una manera u otra, su testimonio, como el de miles, serà la semilla- seguramente- de un Iràn con libertades.



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